Fowler-Bowers 6" - 7"/150 - 175mm XTH3 Bluetooth Holematic Pistol Grip

SKU: 54567850BT
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Fowler-Bowers XT3 Bluetooth Holematic Pistol Grip range of bore gages offer extended travel with fixed anvils. The pistol grip handle incorporates a constant measuring pressure to eliminate operator "feel."

• To reduce hand fatigue, the travel of the trigger is adjustable for minimum over-travel.• Larger easy-to-read swivel display• Self centering heads• Proximity output and USB connectivity.• Four preset memories• Fixed anvils• Resolution: .00005" /.001mm• Range .080"—12" (2—300mm)• Tungsten carbide measuring faces on all 3-point heads from .5" (12.5mm) and up.• Heads with special anvils available for threads, splines, slots, etc.• Sizes over .500" (12.5mm) feature blind bore capability• Setting rings included in all sets• Includes UKAS certificates for all pistol grip, heads and rings.• Special anvils available
Bluetooth Electronic Holematic Pistol Grip XTH - Individual sizes (includes pistol grip, head and ring)
Contact the Fowler Technical Department for special anvil applications
*Image shown for representational purposes only
Ships in 2-4 weeks

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3 Point Heads
Range: 6" - 7"/150 - 175mm
Depth: 3.94"/100mm

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