CMM - zCAT Portable

zCAT - A Portable CMM with shop-friendly features

Fundamentally different than other CMM technology.

From initial equipment acquisition through set-up, training and maintenance, the zCAT offers significant cost reductions without compromising measuring accuracy or performance.

3 Great things about the zCAT


Touch & Teach

Get shop staff up to speed in a manner of minutes - teach the zCAT how to measure then hit "play" to have it repeat the measurement. It's the same great software you'll find on our Axiom Too and Extol as well

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360-degree rotation

The probe rotates 360 to give you the ability to hot-swap out parts on the bench to keep things moving along. Make a parts jig (like Vic W. did below) and measure multiple pieces in one program

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Doesn't take up shop floor space when not in use - bring it where you need it and keep production flowing

"This is what CMMs should have been from the start."

— zCAT Customer, Vic Wellend, Sales Engineer, Turnamics

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